For the production phase of your advertising campaigns we offer you two products based on time pressure:
Our regular pre-test gives you the opportunity to measure your ads within 40 other ads from a real competitor environment and results are delivered to you by the end of the month. For those who do not have time to wait for the results, we offer a rapid solution with a 72h delivery, tested within smaller competitive environment of 10 ads.
How does pre-testing help?
Test before airing to secure your success
Find the most effective moments & visual cues
Optimise branding and recall
Optimise message transmission
Fine-tune editing, music, voice-over, tags, packshot
Choose the right creative for the right audience
Shorten to save on media
What to expect?
We diagnose your ads’ performance on a second-by-second basis on your target audience, benchmark their performance to thousands of ads, summarise our findings in a report and deliver our insights to your team in person so you can learn what hinders and what boosts performance, use the insights to maximise efficiency and marketing ROI. Now, we are able to do this within 72 hours including recruitment of participants, test, analysis and report delivery.
72h pre-test
72h pre-test gives you the opportunity to deeply understand your ad’s performance as soon as possible, thus you can make those needed last minute changes.
We analyse every second of your ad with a focus on branding, storytelling, voice-over, packshot and emotional performance on your target audience. We collect our findings in a report and provide recommendations for small changes in the editing room to make your campaign more successful. We present & discuss our insights with your team and agency in person.
Key benefits
Super fast (results within 72 hours)
Actionable recommendations to be done in post-production within a day
Results on your specific target audience
Key metrics & output
Branding / Storytelling / Voice-over / Packshot / Emotional performance / Message transmission / Activation
PPT report + interactive online dashboard + personal presentation
Results within 72 hours
Regular pre-test
As part of the monthly ad-testing service, pre-test creatives can be inserted and deeply investigated. The time of testing follows a monthly routine. The testing gives you the opportunity to deeply understand your ad’s performance on multiple audiences.
We analyse every second of your ad with a focus on branding, storytelling, voice-over, packshot and emotional performance on your target audience. We collect our findings in a report and provide recommendations for small changes in the editing room to make it more successful. We present & discuss our insights with your team and agency in person.
Key benefits
Cost-effective, with our regular monthly timing
Results available on multiple target audience segments
Benchmarked to 1100 brands’ 5200 ads
Key metrics & output
Branding / Storytelling / Voice-over / Packshot / Emotional performance / Message transmission / Activation
PPT report + interactive online dashboard + personal presentation
Results within 5 business days after the monthly regular test