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Here, at Synetiq, we have measured hundreds of ads in the last years and we have to say advertisers were dealing great with the current situation. From homemade videos to very special pieces, the screen was always colourful. Still, there are a couple of things you have to consider when it comes to brand communication in these very difficult times we experience nowadays.
Idén tavasszal az Aldi, a Soproni és a Bayer szpotja került a Synetiq listájának élére az érzelmileg legjobban teljesítő reklámokról. Általuk most betekintést nyerhetünk, milyen egy jól felépített platform, ami humorával és a benne bemutatott incidensekkel újra és újra meg tudja szólítani a vásárlókat. Megtudhatjuk, hogy egy nagy múltú brand hogyan teremtett szerethető körülményeket egy gyógyuláshoz kínált termékhez. Végül pedig megláthatjuk, hogy egy könnyen átélhetően megjelenített, mindennapi szituáció hogyan nyerte meg tipikus karaktereivel a fogyasztókat.
Gondolkodtál már azon, mennyire befolyásolja reklámfilmed érzelmi sikerességét a választott zene, vagy, hogy milyen az igazán jó packshot?
A következő sorokban ezekből adunk Neked egy kis ízelítőt.
Az esély a nyerésre, arra, hogy valamiben mi legyünk a jobbak, s az ezzel járó pozitív érzések kiemelkedően fontos szerepet játszanak életünkben. A győzelem erőt ad, valami olyasmi állapotot, amitől többnek, jobbnak érezzük magunkat másoknál. Nem csoda, hogy számos hirdető alkalmaz nyereményjátékokat, mikor motiválni szeretné célcsoportját.
A kereskedelmi láncok kommunikációjában évek óta dilemmát okoz az árak megfelelő kommunikációja. Habár 2020-as járvány előtt úgy tűnt, a hangsúly áttevődik a kedvező árról más jellemzőkre, a pandémia és az utána lezajló világgazdasági események újra visszaterelték a kommunikációt ebbe a mederbe. Lehet-e, és ha igen, hogyan lehet jól egyensúlyozni a kedvező árak és a márka egyéb értékeinek libikókáján?
Here, at Synetiq, we have measured hundreds of ads in the last years and we have to say advertisers were dealing great with the current situation. From homemade videos to very special pieces, the screen was always colourful. Still, there are a couple of things you have to consider when it comes to brand communication in these very difficult times we experience nowadays.
When it comes to ad creation, many details ask for your attention, such as well-executed visuals, catchy narration, or a memorable packshot. Either you are adapting or filming a new spot, you have to face audio effects. Freedom or challenge? After learning some techniques, you can get the best out of your spot with the help of your audio.
Due to the cut of the marketing budgets and difficulty in filming, the lifespan of existing campaigns has become observable. In the year 2022, the competition for media space will intensify, so it is essential to follow the efficiency of campaigns on a daily basis. Although using the same spot for a long time can save a lot of money for advertisers, it carries a high risk of potential wear-out.
2021-ben a Synetiq közel 1000 reklámfilmet mért meg biometrikus szenzorok segítségével. A megmért filmek főként OTC, FMCG, kereskedelmi, pénzügyi és telekommunikációs szektorokból kerültek ki. A havi szinten, 70+ reklámfilmből álló környezetben mért történetek eredményeit vizsgálva a Synetiq senior kutatói több mintázatot is észrevettek az idei reklámpiacon. De mit tanulhatunk a 2021-es évből? Mik voltak a legerősebb trendek, mi az, ami másként alakult a korábbi évekhez képest?
We are living in the age of Big Data. Understanding your target audience, personalising your communication, comparing different databases, and reading diagrams are part of everyday life now. But how about measuring ad performance?
What can be a bigger dream for an advertiser than reaching the point when the whole category is named after its brand? Although it takes long years of advertising, it is totally possible and starts with a very simple fact: staying memorable for your target group.
Consciously or not, deep inside you know that at some point you simply can not miss out communicating about sustainability. The Earth’s future is in our hands. Are you ready?
Augusztus is számos csodát tartogatott nekünk: szép magyar tájak, hazai termékek, iskolakezdés, tradíciók, évfordulók, új termékek, célok és tervek tették még színesebbé a nyár utolsó napjait. A Synetiq neuromarketing mérése alapján pedig ezúttal egy szupermarket, egy gyorsétterem és egy turizmussal foglalkozó weboldal került be az érzelmileg legsikeresebb filmek közé.
What is the trick of the ads that grab viewers ’ attention, emotionally are moving, and even generate revenue for the company?
Synetiq has studied the non-conscious and conscious impact of countless Christmas ads over the past 5 years, and a few conclusions can be drawn.
Sanofi’s brand manager, Fruzsina Fejes, one of Synetiq’s clients shared her experience and opinion about working with neuromarketing. If you are curious, how neuromarketing research can help you to improve your advertisements or why Sanofi, one of the biggest healthcare advertisers choose to use this methodology, the next lines are for you.
Although originally Black Friday is a single day event, Hungarian market participants will stretch the event for 1-2, sometimes even 3-4 weeks long. One thing is for certain: Black Friday has taken over the retail landscape and brands can not afford to ignore it.
Are you a young entrepreneur? Do you consider yourself an “early adopter”? Are you in your young ages with a lot of challenges to convince your superior that your idea is good enough? Then the next lines are definitely for you.
Music has a significant influence on our mood and emotional state. Just think of your track lists you have for running, gym, partying or just a romantic evening. We can change our thoughts simply by picking the right song. The power of music was, - of course -, also recognized by the advertising industry, so nowadays we almost never come across any TV commercials without tunes.
The short answer is: with the help of eye trackers. There are of course multiple types of eye trackers, but the most common one is the remote eye tracker. This device is placed right below the screen, what the participant is watching. It basically is an infrared light source and sensor in one. The pupil absorbs light, so eye trackers with this method easily detect the pupil as the area which has zero reflected infrared light. With the pupil fully detected, we are only a step away from calculating its dilation, which is usually a built-in function of an eye tracker.
A/B testing or split testing is not a new concept, psychologists and life sciences have been using the methodology in lab environments for a long time now. While there are easy to implement solutions to test various online campaigns or products (such as banners, apps, skippable video ads, etc.), conducting A/B testing in case of a big budget TV commercial is not as straightforward.
If you are still hesitant to try out neuromarketing, or you want to get inspiration about what others use the methodology for, the next lines are for you: read what László Baka, Brand Marketing Manager at Heureka Group (árukereső.hu) thinks about neuromarketing.
In the age of Big Data, many companies struggle with finding balance between being intuitive and relying on data. In marketing, one can not live without the other; although data is the pure reality of your consumers’ behaviour and opinion, mistakes can happen, so staying critical is always very important.
Although neuromarketing research methods are mainly good for measuring already existing, almost-ready ads, due to our big data (more than 6000 measured ads) many patterns can be read out of the results. As creative concepts can not be measured, they can still benefit from the insights we get out from neuromarketing research. The question is: how?
Here, at Synetiq, we believe in the future of database creativity. Ad creation should not be blocked by data - data should simply support ideas. When you know what your consumers really like, how they behave and what is in their unconscious mind, you can be creative in a guided and effective, but still, free way. Your ideas will not come out of nowhere - they have a base and a purpose. By 2021, - in the ages of Big Data - all big companies know a lot about their consumers - why should we close our ears and not take advantage of this bunch of information? Using data makes you more successful - and being more successful brings you more clients and more happy consumers.
2020 hozott nekünk jót is, is rosszat is, egy biztos: a reklámpiac különös fordulatot vett tavaly év elején. Év végére azonban egyre kevesebb karanténfilmmel találkozhattunk a képernyőkön - ahogyan mi, emberek, úgy a szakma is alkalmazkodni kezdett az új normához. 2020 decemberében ismét sokszínű, izgalmas reklámfelhozatallal találkozhattunk, s habár a karácsonyi filmek még emlékeztettek minket a megváltozott körülményekre, jelentősen csökkent a járványhoz kapcsolódó kommunikáció.
A Synetiq decemberi TOP3 érzelmileg legsikeresebb reklám válogatásába pedig egy telekommunikációs, egy kereskedelmi és egy gyógyszerreklám került be.
Találkoztál már olyan reklámmal, amiben különös módon a saját életedre ismertél? Legtöbbünk számára a válasz valószínűleg igen. De elgondolkodtál-e már azon, hogy vajon ugyanígy éreztél volna akkor is, ha a főszerepet egy másik színész játssza? A Studionarratives szakemberei is hasonló kihívással találták magukat szemben, így a Synetiq-kel közösen, a neuromarketinges kutatásokhoz használt biometrikus szenzorok segítségével a válaszok keresésére indultak.
Have you ever seen an ad that felt oddly relevant to your life? The answer is probably yes for most of us. But have you ever wondered whether the ad could have been as emotional with a different protagonist? Probably not, but creatives frequently have to face this question when casting for a commercial. Our friends at Studionarratives wondered about the same, and hand in hand with Synetiq - using our biometric measurements -, we were able to find some answers.
As now all seasonal holidays are heavily commercialized, we shouldn’t forget that Easter is just around the corner. Even if you’re not in the “chocolate bunny business”, there is a great sales opportunity in it. Although in terms of seasonal communication Easter is not as wide as Christmas, it is still worth it to put energy in the creative planning of an Easter theme TV spot.
“The ad was engaging” - But what does that mean?
Our Engagement metric shows people’s level of involvement in the story they are seeing, or, in some cases, the amount of cognitive effort it takes to understand it.
Many companies started to realize that as their current consumers begin to "age", meaning that their purchasing power gets weaker, they need to start focusing more on the younger generation who has a constantly growing spending power and will be the strongest consumer segment sooner or later.